S.V. Kondrichin
Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Republic of Belarus
“As far as possible, join faith to reason.”
Abstract. Investigations for regional differences in
epidemiological activity of acute respiratory infection and influenza
conducted in the USSR were focused rather on medical and biological,
structural and demographic and economic factors and didn’t consider the
causative role of social, cultural and psychological factors in
epidemiological process.
The study aims to implement a comparative analysis of
official incidence rates of acute respiratory infection and influenza in
the six former Soviet Republics in 1959-1989 based on data of the USSR
Central Statistical Office.
Materials and methods. The work is based on the USSR
Ministry of Health’ official annual statistical data on incidence of
acute respiratory infection and influenza in the Soviet Republics.
Analysis of rank distribution of incidence rates across the republics
was implemented.
Results. The lowest incidence rates of acute respiratory
infection and influenza-associated mortality rates were regularly
registered in Lithuania. In Lithuania the long-term annual average
incidence rates were 2.5 times lower compared to Russia, 2.2 times lower
compared to Latvia and 1.8 lower compared to Belarus. The analysis also
identified a spatial continuation of distribution of acute respiratory
infection rates with the smallest rates in Belarus being registered in
the Hrodna region that borders upon Lithuania. To interpret the study
results the author used Lisitsyn’s theory of social, cultural and
psychological determination of the health status and “historical
background” theory, which explains the constancy in these mechanisms
effect by Krzywicki and Dobrowolski.
Conclusions. The distance between the cultural
traditions in the republics that determine behavior and lifestyle of the
population could cause the difference in acute respiratory infection
incidence rates between the former Soviet Republics. The study results
allow for defining a theoretical issue of differentiating rates of
epidemiological activity of acute respiratory infection as “Lithuanian
Effect of the religion (Catholic faith) and historical background of
the regional immune status specificity were considered as a competitive
hypothesis. However, the presented interpretation models are, in many
ways, of a speculative nature. Further studies are necessary to define
the protective role of social and cultural factors in the epidemiology
of acute respiratory infection and influenza.
Keywords: acute respiratory infection and influenza
incidence rates, influenza mortality, Soviet republics, comparative
analysis, Lithuanian paradox
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