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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Preventable health loss in traumatic brain injury in children: assessment and ways to reduce
Preventable health loss in traumatic brain injury in children: assessment and ways to reduce Print
Monday, 01 September 2014

Sharova EA
Clinical and Research Institute of Urgent Pediatric Surgery and Trauma, Moscow

Abstract. Traumatic brain injury in children is one of the urgent healthcare problems with associated preventable health loss.

The conceptual approach to reduce preventable health loss in children is based on the idea of estimation of healthy life years at different stages of health loss as well as possibility of preventing the associated health loss relying on modern knowledge and medical expertise.

DALY indexes are most relevant to estimate life years lost, and also help to identify major challenges that healthcare services face in this respect.

The aim of the study was to estimate major health loss due to traumatic brain injury in children in order to evaluate the associated “burden of disease” and identify priority measures aimed at reducing preventable health loss in children with traumatic brain injury.

Methods and data. – main trends of DALY indexes in case of traumatic brain injury (morbidity DALY, mortality DALY and summary DALY) in children population of Russia and its regions in 2003-2010 based on data of the State statistical reporting.

Results and conclusions. Index dynamics of lost life years in children due to traumatic brain injury reflects current epidemiological situation with pediatric brain injury: the highest loss of healthy life years due to traumatic brain injury is associated with increased morbidity especially in girls against the background of reduced mortality.

Regional comparison by DALY indexes and their dynamics allows to evaluate the regional situation in general including both final figures and current changes. This helps to determine the correct focus of measures and priority selection.

To reduce health loss due to traumatic brain injury in children it is most appropriate to use a comprehensive approach that includes the following: a) preventive social and legal measures aimed at developing health protective behavior in population of different ages; b) optimization of health care delivery to children with traumatic brain injury at all stages.

Keywords: health loss; children; traumatic brain injury; DALY criterion


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