L.A. Bockeriya, E.B. Milievskaya, S.M. Krupyanko. O.A. Manerova
Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow
Abstract. The object of the study is organization of rehabilitation to patients with congenital heart disorders.
The aim was to provide scientific rationale for
selection of integral components of the optimal organizational and
functional model of rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment
for congenital heart disorders.
The study used a wide range of methods: statistical, descriptive,
retrospective analysis, system analysis, case study, information
analysis, expertise, systematization of data.
Integral components of organizational and functional model of
rehabilitation of patients with congenital heart disorders include
crosscutting interaction between: organizational and structural model of
rehabilitation center for such patients; components of the model of
technical resources of the rehabilitation center, model of informational
structure and information environment.
Organizational and functional model of rehabilitation of patients
with congenital heart disorders includes the following three
rehabilitation stages: 1) rehabilitation at cardiac surgery hospital
after provision of high-tech specialized medical care; 2) rehabilitation
at a specialized cardiac rehabilitation center as a primary recovery
stage; 3) rehabilitation at a specialized cardiac rehabilitation center
as a late (final) recovery stage.
The structural model of the rehabilitation center for children with
congenital heart disorders should reflect the structure of cardiac
surgery hospital ensuring optimization of routes and arrangement of
patients’ flows.
Provision of rehabilitation care to children with congenital heart
disorders is impossible without modern high-specific technological
infrastructure of the center.
Introduction of such organizational and functional model into the
rehabilitation center for children with congenital heart disorders will
help address many objectives of the “Healthcare development” State
program of the Russian Federation. Development of medical rehabilitation
requires modernization of the existing regulatory and legal framework
related to this type of medical care.
Keywords: congenital heart disorder; rehabilitation care for children with congenital heart disorders; medical rehabilitation.
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