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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2014 (39) arrow Social factors associated with teenage pregnancy with the decision to keep the baby in a metropolis
Social factors associated with teenage pregnancy with the decision to keep the baby in a metropolis Print
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

E.S. Mikhailin
Maternity hospital ¹10, Saint-Petersburg

Abstract. The article reviews social factors associated with pregnancy in teens who gave birth at the Maternity Hospital # 10 (St. Petersburg), where the “Little Mother” city Center for antenatal care for teenagers is located.

The aim was to study social factors associated with pregnancy in teens who decided to keep the baby in a megalopolis.

Methods. Review of reporting medical documentation, survey of pregnant teens.

Results. According to our data, the most important social factors associated with teenage pregnancy included early sexual debut (14.5±1.5 years), low level of education and social status (more than 40% of them neither study or work), single-parent families (about 60%) and disorderly life (about 65% of teenage pregnant are either single or live outside marriage with men who are older and often don’t even father the babies).

Late registration for antenatal follow-up at district Women’s consultations (more than 70% of pregnant got registered at the second or third trimester) contributes to delayed diagnostics and makes timely prevention of pregnancy complications impossible.

It should be noted here that about one in five patients (in all cases only accompanied by her mother) seeked antenatal care at the "Little Mother" prior to registration for follow-up at the local Woman’s consultation at place of residence or registration. This fact indicates mistrust in the healthcare system among teens in general and pregnant teens in particular.

Conclusions. Early sexual debut, low level of education and social and economic status, poor living conditions and family relations are most important factors associated with teenage pregnancy.

In general, the obtained results are consistent with those by other authors, also pointing at relation between low standard of living and chance of teenage pregnancy.

Keywords: teenage pregnancy; social factors of underage pregnancy; specialized centre for underage pregnant women.



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