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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2014 (39) arrow Attitude of club culture representatives to social anti-tobacco advertising
Attitude of club culture representatives to social anti-tobacco advertising Print
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Bukhgamer A.A., Mitrofanova K.A.
Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg

Abstract. Background. The problem of tobacco smoking among young adults is one of the most socially significant issues in Russia. The development of efficient preventive measures against smoking is an important task for healthcare and social authorities. The club youth culture in cities being quite a closed community remains undercovered by efforts aimed at smoking cessation. Thus, the introduction of adequate anti-tobacco social advertising in the club culture may be an effective mechanism to prevent smoking among young adults.

The aim was to evaluate efficiency of the current social anti-tobacco advertising in the club culture of Yekaterinburg as a means to prevent smoking.

Materials and methods. In January 2013, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 101 visitors (aged 18 – 35) of the night club in Yekaterinburg to analyze effectiveness of the current social anti-tobacco advertising and to determine perspectives of its development in night clubs of Yekaterinburg. Three samples of social anti-tobacco advertisements were used in the questionnaire for respondents to compare and evaluate.

Results. The number of smokers among the respondents (63%) was twice as high as the number of non-smokers (29%) and irregular smokers (8%). The most effective types of social anti-tobacco advertising as considered by the responders were anti-tobacco promotion activity (35%), hard copies of communication and prevention materials (22%) and movies on media screens (17%). 75% of respondents expressed the opinion that social advertising in the night club should demonstrate a higher and more comfortable level of life without tobacco smoking. Sample #3 of social anti-tobacco advertisement attracted the most interest among the respondents (87%). However, none of the samples encouraged the respondents to consult smoking cessation specialists.

Conclusions. Social advertising is one of the major strategies to control smoking addiction; it should be presented in the night club by all means. Its effectiveness depends upon a comprehensive approach to design an anti-tobacco product and development of implementation strategies in the entertainment industry with due regard to specific characteristics of the target population. Interdisciplinary working groups should be organized to create social anti-tobacco advertising concept in the club culture.

Key words: tobacco smoking prevention, club culture, smoking among young adults, social anti-tobacco advertising, promotion activity.



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