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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2014 (40) arrow Different impact of diabetes mellitus on life expectancy of men and women at illnesses of circulatory system
Different impact of diabetes mellitus on life expectancy of men and women at illnesses of circulatory system Print
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Sabgayda T.P., Roshchin D.O.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract. The level of male mortality from circulatory diseases is higher than the death rate of women. Presence of diabetic greatly increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, with the greatest increased death risk among women. It is not clear whether the presence of diabetes reduces life expectancy of men and women with cardiovascular diseases in the same extent.

The aim is to analyze the impact of diabetes mellitus on average age of death from circulatory system diseases.

Materials and methods. We compared the results obtained on the basis of two databases: Register of diabetes mellitus for Sverdlovsk region (5.5 thousand men and 14.2 thousand women during 1998-2007) and the base of deceased residents of the Sverdlovsk region (2006-2007). The age structure of deceased people as well as the cumulative frequency of extinction on the age scale were calculated. The comparison was performed for deaths from all causes, from circulatory system diseases, from myocardial infarction and from cerebrovascular disease.

Results. When deaths from circulatory diseases, the half of men from general population die before age 69 years and the half of men with diabetes die after age 71 years old; for women, the median age is about 78 and 72 years, respectively. When death from myocardial infarction, the median death age for men among all population equal to 65 years and for men with diabetes it equal to 69 years; for women, the median age is over 74 years and 69 years, respectively. When death from myocardial infarction, the median death age for men from both comparison groups stay in the age range 70-74 years; for women, the median age is 79 and 72 years, respectively.

Conclusions. Presence of diabetes leads to an earlier death of women from circulatory system diseases: the average life expectancy with myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular disease is reduced by about 5 years. Effect of diabetes on the men death age from cardiovascular disease require additional clinical studies, as it is difficult to explain a marked increase in men life expectancy at illnesses of circulatory system with help of the effect of decrease in behavioural risk factors.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus; the average death age; cumulative frequency of extinction; Register of diabetes mellitus; the impact of diabetes on cardiovascular mortality; life expectancy



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