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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2014 (40) arrow Methodology of forming groups of increased risk of appearance cancer of the larynx of the population of Bryansk region
Methodology of forming groups of increased risk of appearance cancer of the larynx of the population of Bryansk region Print
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Luzhetsky V.A.1, Dubovoy I.I.2,  Pugach L.I.3 , Solovyov V.I.4
1 Department SAIH «Bryansk Regional Hospital ¹1», Bryansk
2 FSBEI HPE «Bryansk State University akad. I.G. Petrovskogo», Bryansk
3 FSBEI HPE «Bryansk State Technical University», Bryansk
4 FSBEI HPE "Smolensk State Medical Academy, " the Ministry of Health of RF, Smolensk.

Abstract. The increased incidence of the population of the cancer of the larynx in the Bryansk region and  the low rate of early detection dictates the necessity of the development prevention measures, what determines the relevance of the study.

The identification of the relationship of risk factors with the incidence was done by comparing group data using the method of correlation analysis, namely, by the calculation of the sample Pearson’s correlation coefficient rxy . The reliability of the study results is p=0.95 (the significance level is 0.05). The leading factors characteristics were allocated, the importance of their influence on the incidence of the malignant neoplasms of the larynx was determined, a hierarchical scale of risk factors was created.

The reliable link  with the primary incidence of the laryngeal cancer in the Bryansk region has: the frequency of clinical supervision; tobacco smoking; the level of material well-being; the factor of the frequent overcooling of the body; the regular contact with fuels and lubricants; the place of the parent’s work; the fact and the frequency of alcohol consumption; professional factor; diet; having adverse hereditary cancer history of the upper respiratory tract; the place of birth. The mathematical-statistical model for determining the probability of individual risk of cancer of the larynx was developed. The screening test for the formation of groups of increased risk of disease was proposed. Checking the functionality of the proposed methods among the population in the control sample showed good results. The gradation according the degree of the probability of occurrence of individual risk of cancer of the larynx was developed.

The correlation between the incidence of cancer of the larynx of the population and the prevalence of risk factors was determined, the scale of factor characteristics was built.
The obtained results allowed to propose a screening test and a mathematical model to determine the magnitude of individual risk of cancer of the larynx.
The check of the availability of the proposed method for the formation of groups of the increased risk of laryngeal cancer among the population in the control sample showed good results.
The method was done for using in outpatient field of the healthcare to carry the preventative work in order to reduce the primary incidence of the cancer of the larynx.

Key words: the cancer of the larynx; risk factor; mathematical-statistical model; screening; prevention; clinical examination.



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