Prosyannikov M.Y.
Scientific Research Institute of Urology named after N.A. Lopatkin,
Branch of the Hertsen Federal Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of
Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Mikhail Prosyannikov, email:
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Abstract. Background. Benign prostatic
hyperplasia is a gender specific, socially important disease, as it
accounts for more than 40% of all diseases in men over 50 years.
The study found out that 40.9% of patients with benign prostatic
hyperplasia who were treated in hospitals were brought in by ambulance
for emergency care. This statement is based on the analysis of benign
prostatic hyperplasia diagnosis and treatment in the Russian Federation
exemplified by one of its regions – the Voronezh region, in 2009. Such
urgent hospitalization implies insufficient prevention and disease
To improve quality of health care delivery to patients with benign
prostatic hyperplasia a comprehensive program on standardized step-wise
delivery of urological care was developed and introduced into Voronezh
region in 2011.
Methods and data. There are three steps in
urological care delivery. The first step is timely detection of
patients. The second step is performance of standard therapeutic
manipulations including surgery. Seven interdistrict urological centers
were opened to provide this type of care. As a third step, a regional
urological center was set up under the regional clinical hospital #1.
Results: As a result of the program activities the number of
registered patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia increased by
311.15%. The share of patients with complicated forms of benign
prostatic hyperplasia significantly reduced resulting in a 6.3-fold
decrease in emergency hospitalization of patients with benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Also, standardization of all steps of care delivery to
patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia allowed to reduce
complications of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia by
2.4 times.
Conclusions: the comprehensive program of standardized
step-wise urological care delivery «Urology» is a universal tool for
improving care organization in case of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Keywords: benign prostatic hyperplasia; urology
service of the Voronezh region; "Urology" program; comprehensive program
of standardized step-wise care delivery.
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