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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2014 (40) arrow Assessing efficiency of the developed innovative model to organize postgraduate advanced training of oncology specialists in gerontology and geriatrics
Assessing efficiency of the developed innovative model to organize postgraduate advanced training of oncology specialists in gerontology and geriatrics Print
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Shekhovtsov S.Yu.
Federal Medical Research Center named after P. A. Hertsen, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Sergey Shekhovtsov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it (shehoff at mail dot ru)

Abstract. Background. Study of the current oncological morbidity in Russia, social and psychological causes and consequences of the growing incidence of malignant neoplasms especially in the elderly, ways to decrease human, material and moral losses should become perspective and important agenda of both high school, and continuous postgraduate training of all types of health care providers dealing with malignant neoplasms as part of their work.

The purpose was to evaluate efficiency of the suggested innovative model to organize postgraduate professional training of oncology specialists in gerontology and geriatrics.

Methods: analytical, sociological, organizational experiment.

Results. The author developed a structural and functional model to introduce the European credit and transfer system into postgraduate courses and topical training in gerontology and geriatrics for oncology specialists.

The model was tested in a pedagogical experiment, and its introduction showed positive results. The model is based on the credit and modular system of the training organization in the form of resident and distance learning; technologically, it is based upon the clouds data storage of electronic educational and methodological set of advanced training courses.

Within the framework of this model an innovative system of pedagogical supervision was developed consisting of the two blocks: an automated clouds data storage block and analog internal block.

Conclusions. Integration of learning sessions aimed at improving information technology competences of oncology specialists in training programs at personal computer, is the necessary condition successfully master the program.

When selecting strategy to organize advanced training of oncology specialists in gerontology and geriatrics one should keep in mind that the optimum option of training organization for primary qualification and topical training is the credit and modular system harmonized with the resident and distance learning.

Scope of application. Results of the study can be used in training and retraining programs in oncology and geriatrics. The program can also be used by participants of the "Public health and health care" training course.

Keywords: additional education; oncology specialists; credit and modular system; program efficiency.



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