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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2014 (40) arrow Substantiating age-specific model of health care delivery to elderly female patients with urinary incontinence
Substantiating age-specific model of health care delivery to elderly female patients with urinary incontinence Print
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Alekseeva G. S. ¹, Trifonova N. Yu., ² Viryasov A.V. ³, Livshits S. A.4
¹ Federal Medical Research Center named after P. A. Hertsen, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
² Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
³ All-Russia Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
4 Institute of Postgraduate Professional Training, Federal Medical and Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan, Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Moscow

Contacts: Natalya Trifonova, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Background. Prevalence of the urinary incontinence syndrome is one of the urgent problems of modern science due to its huge social impact. It is necessary to note that only 2% of patients receive competent urological care out of that small share of women who intentionally apply for care related urinary incontinence symptoms.

Even in the developed countries where mentality is different and medical facilities are better equipped, there are still difficulties with early diagnostics of all forms of urinary disorders.

The purpose is to substantiate the need for the age-specific model for timely care delivery to the elderly female patients with urinary incontinence.

Methods: statistical, analytical, organizational experiment, comparative analysis.

Results. To substantiate the model of outpatient care delivery to the elderly female patients with urinary incontinence the authors studied a range of factors affecting its performance. The most relevant factors were included into the developed model. Those factors were distributed as follows: organizational factors related to doctors’ professional characteristics and factors related to patients. The suggested team-based approach towards outpatient care delivery to the elderly female patients with urinary incontinence is based on those factors.

Introduction of the team-based approach into practice allowed to increase detection of urinary incontinence in the elderly female patients from factual figures of 1.2± 0.1‰ up to the rates of actual prevalence - 32.8± 4.8‰.

Conclusions. Due to early detection and reliable growth of non-surgical treatment indicators the quality of life improved as well. It is reasonable to include the team-based approach into management of the elderly patients with urinary incontinence, including: training of patients’ relatives; engagement of social services; control over regular uptake of medications, quality of the regiment and diet; provision of consulting and adjustment of treatment by psychologists, psychotherapists or neurologists.

Scope of application. The main scope of application of the obtained data is public health, since it is public health that comprises all stages of care delivery to patients of different age groups.

Keywords: Age-specific model, urinary incontinence, elderly women; quality of life.



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