Dementjeva E.L., Korablev V.N.
Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Elena Dementjeva, e-mail:
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Abstract. The article is devoted to performance improvement of a healthcare organization.
The purpose of the study is to work out measures aimed
at improving organizational structure of the healthcare organization in
terms of non-medical personnel, regulations on structural units and job
Methods and data. The objects under study included
seven outpatient departments and polyclinics within the system of
primary care in Khabarovsk. The subject of the research comprised
organizational structure in terms of non-medical personnel, regulations
on structural units and job descriptions.
Results. Lack of a unified approach towards non-medical
personnel organizational structure, poorly defined regulations on
structural units and job descriptions of healthcare organizations alike
in the level of care delivery with similar aims, objectives, and
functions decrease management efficacy.
These conditions necessitate creation of a unified nomenclature of
non-medical departments of health organizations resulting in universal
approaches towards elaborating regulations on structural units and job
descriptions. Solution to those problems is especially crucial in the
context of transition to “effective” contract and accreditation of
healthcare organization and personnel.
Keywords: healthcare organization; organizational structure; regulations on structural unit, job description.
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