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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2014 (40) arrow Analyzing impact of TB control measures on TB epidemiological indicators
Analyzing impact of TB control measures on TB epidemiological indicators Print
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Mikhaylova Yu.V., Soshnikov S.S., Shikina I.B., Biragova O.K.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Sergei Soshnikov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it (ssosh.sqlab at gmail dot com) 

Abstract. Russia is one of the countries where TB indicators are currently on the rise. In this regard, the main barrier to its spread and consequences is medicine in general and TB service in particular.

The purpose of the study was to determine impact of TB service of the Russian Federation on TB epidemiological indicators in 2000-2012.

The study data included indicators from statistical reporting forms “Information on TB patients” (form #33) and form #8 for all Russian regions.

The authors identified multiple significant correlations that reflect positive impact of efforts undertaken by the Russian TB-service on epidemiological indicators including TB morbidity and prevalence as well as disability due to TB. The identified correlations included the following: 10 significant pair correllations for TB morbidity; 11 significant correllations for TB prevalence; 7 significant correllations for TB disability with performance indicators of TB service including regular health examinations of the population, abacillation, and hospitalization. Increased length of ineffective treatment of patients results in higher risk of drug resistance. Abacillation of TB patients leads to improved epidemiological indicators including severe disability cases.

The main conclusion of the study is the proven positive role of regular health examinations of the population, abacillation, and hospitalization of TB patients to control tuberculosis at all levels.

The study results and conclusions can become basis for developing multivariate mathematical models of TB-service impact on population health.

Keywords: TB-service; statistical reporting forms; continuous statistics of the Ministry of Health, correllation analysis.



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