Sabgayda T.P.1, Protasova N.P.2 Artuchov I.P.3
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
3 V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk.
Abstract. WHO recommends to use DALY for determining
population health status, however, the Russian data are not sufficient
to calculate it. A simplified calculation method doesn’t provide for the
expected results, which makes it relevant to search for ways to adapt
the methodology for calculating DALY without its simplification.
The purpose of the study was to adapt DALY calculation methods to assess health loss related to nonfatal cardiovascular diseases.
Database of compulsory health insurance fund for residents of
Krasnoyarsk seeking care in clinics and in hospitals was used. The
length of cardiovascular diseases was assumed to be one year for
outpatient and 15 days for hospital patients. Evaluation of the
parameters' values for age weighting function was conducted during the
study. Disability weight was taken to be 0.92 for all hospitalized
patients. Adaptation of the DALY calculation method was carried out by
determining parameters values of the original equation. The structure of
cause and the age structure of patients as well as the average age of
hospitalized patients by groups with different outcomes were calculated
to determine the parameters values. On the basis of the adapted method
we calculated the age and disease structure of health loss in outpatient
and inpatient patients. Also, health loss due to morbidity and
mortality were compared.
Conclusions. To estimate burden of disease of the Russian
population it is advisable to use the adapted methodology for
calculating DALY, wherein: the constant and parameter from the age
weighting are C = 0.10 and β = 0.03; age weighting modulation factor K =
0.104; discount rate r = 0,03; life expectancy corresponds to 80 years
for men and 87 years for women.
The algorithm for calculating the burden of cardiovascular
diseases due to nonfatal health problems is not the same for different
diseases and their groups. In some cases, age-adjusted disability weight
should be set, and in other cases it is possible to use an average
value for all age groups of patients. To prolong the employment period
it is necessary to improve health promotion activities to reduce the
excess health loss due to diseases of the circulatory system in age
group 55-59. Methods of care delivery to patients with hypertension
should be improved as well with a special focus on prevention among
young men.
Keywords. Disability-Adjusted Life Years; years lost
due to
disability; burden of diseases of the circulatory system; age weighting
of a year of healthy life; disability weight; discount rate for value of
one year of healthy life; comparability of data on morbidity and
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