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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2015 (41) arrow STATE POLICY RELATED TO SOCIAL PROTECTION OF SOCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATION
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Zhukov V.A.¹, Uchaikin Yu.N.², Petrosov S.N.²
¹ “Gerontology” Medical Research Center, Moscow
² All-Russia Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow

Abstract. Background. The most ambitious target of the socially responsible economics within the developing market economy in Russia is social protection of all strata of society and development of effective social policy. In conditions of the market relations an individual can meet their needs only by means of income from property or getting salary. At the same time, every society has a certain share of population that neither has property nor is able to work due to some reasons. Such categories of population will fail to survive without governmental social protection in the context when capital becomes the main factor of production and distribution.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the existing system of social guaranties for vulnerable population and to define directions for the social policy at present stage.

Methods: monographic and cluster analysis.

Results. The paper shows that unlike social protection of the working population, social protection of the vulnerable groups represents the system of government-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures ensuring conditions for life support, control and correction of disability, aiming at equal conditions for the vulnerable groups to get engaged into public life like other people.

The analysis determined certain requirements for the system of social guaranties: necessary and sufficient volume of support; provision with financial and material resources; targeted support; consideration of regional peculiarities; and mechanism to reach beneficiaries.

Conclusions. Targeted support for the vulnerable groups was considered as most active social position during the transition period. Main sources of funds for targeted support for the vulnerable groups are federal and local budgets.

Scope of application. The main scope of application of the research data is public health and healthcare. It is consistent with all the requirements related to provision of physical and social well-being for the population.

Keywords: social policy; pension provision; medical care; state standards.


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