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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Bantyeva M.N.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow

Abstract. Currently, performance indicators of obstetrician-gynecologists in outpatient setting are neglected. At the same time they serve objective characteristic of obstetrician-gynecologists’ work. Analysis of such indicators contributes to development of directions to improve organization of outpatient obstetric and gynecological care.

The purpose of the study was to analyze dynamics of obstetrician-gynecologists’ performance indicators in outpatient setting in the Russian Federation and its federal districts in 2007-2012.

Methods and data: analysis of data from the form #30 of the Federal statistical observation “Data on health care facility” for 2007-2012.

Results. The obstetrician-gynecologists’ availability tends to increase both countrywide and in the majority of its federal districts. Among the federal districts the most significant growth was registered in the North Caucasus (by 8.3%) and Siberia (by 7.8%).

The total number of visits to obstetrician-gynaecologists during the study period increased both countrywide and in some federal distircts.

A tendency towards some decrease in the number of preventive visits against the background of a light increase in the share of home visits and visits by rural patients was reported both countrywide and by the majority federal districts. Against the background of the general trend towards reduced obstetrician-gynecologists staffing level the rate of employees holding a second job remains almost unchanged.

Conclusions. The conducted analysis showed quite low staffing level, high rate of obstetrician-gynecologists holding a second job in outpatient settings, and low level of preventive visits. The analysis also identified the following trends in obstetrician-gynecologists’ performance indicators in outpatient settings: decrease in staffing level and rather high rate of specialists holding a second job against the background of sufficient availability of such specialists; increase in the number of visit and doctors’ scope of work in the majority of regions, and decrease in the number of preventive visits.

Keywords. Obstetrician-gynecologist; availability; doctors’ scope of work; number of visits; staffing level; rate of employees holding a second job; home visits; preventive visits; visits by rural dwellers.




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