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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2015 (41) arrow PSORIASIS MORBIDITY TRENDS IN RUSSIA IN 2009-2013
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Mishina O.S.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow

Abstract. Background. Prevalence of psoriasis remains under-investigated despite the fact that psoriasis is the most severe chronic skin disease.

Psoriasis prevalence worldwide averages at 3% and varies depending upon patients’ age and region of residence. In Russia like in many other countries major factors of psoriasis include unhealthy lifestyle, stress, smoking, alcohol consumption and insufficient physical activity. Therefore, it is possible to assume that psoriasis morbidity in Russia is as high as in other countries of the world.

The purpose of the study was to analyze rates, trends and regional peculiarities of psoriasis morbidity. The analysis serves basis for assessing changes in organization of care delivery to patients and their registration.

Data. Analysis of morbidity trends in Russia was conducted based on yearly statistical reporting forms #12 and #14 of the Ministry of Health of Russia in 2009-2013.

Results and discussion. Incidence of psoriasis has been reducing over the last five years. However, its prevalence increased to a certain extent suggesting possible severity of newly diagnosed cases and growing need in medical care.

Psoriasis mainly affects adult urban population. The highest increment in morbidity is detected in those regions where registered morbidity was low i.e. the majority of cases was not detected and patients didn’t receive qualified medical care.

Altogether, certain improvements in performance of the dermatovenereology service in the Russian regions have been made as evidenced by higher homogeneity of the current regional morbidity distribution compared to the situation that was 5 years ago.

Keywords: morbidity; psoriasis; psoriasis incidence in children and adults.


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