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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2015 (41) arrow IMPROVING THE SYSTEM OF MANAGERIAL STAFF TRAINING IN HEALTHCARE
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Bashmakov O.A.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

Abstract. Background. In healthcare, like in any other sector of the national economy, human resources is one of the most important factors determining the efficiency level. In the context of reforms, staff management mainly implies adequate organization of economic life, labor and social activity of people. Such problem statement specifies high-performance culture and special competence in administrative science as major requirements for managerial staff who organizes and guides activities of professional communities.

The purpose of the study was to scientifically validate the training system of healthcare managers.

Methods: content analysis, sociological, comparative analysis.

Results. Training and retraining of human resources specialists in medical institutions under study contribute to the development of efficient staffing policy in healthcare. Development of the training algorithm for human resources specialists allowed to increase the number of human resources staff in healthcare facilities by 13.9%, to change motivation estimation of their labour (64.4% consider their work important and perspective).

Conclusions. Training of specialists in healthcare management and human resources allows to solve tactical problems of human resources policy in medical facility using modern WHO methodology widely implemented in the international healthcare practice. The suggested algorithm of training and employing healthcare managers and human resources specialists was successfully tested in the Moscow region. This algorithm is of a dynamic nature and ensures regular updates and improvements; it can be widely used to optimize staffing policy in other Russian regions.

Scope of application. The main scope of application of the study results is healthcare and public health since this is the field of science that covers issues related to postgraduate training of healthcare managers.

Keywords: healthcare managers; managerial staff; training algorithm; system of managerial staff training.


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