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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Bulanov V.E.
Institute of Medical Risk Management and Insurance Optimization, Limited Liability Company (LLC «MEDIS»), Moscow

Abstract. Nowadays Russia should consider adherence to healthy lifestyle in working population as an essential factor for maintaining and strengthening the labor potential of the country.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate adherence of employees of a modern industrial enterprise to health-saving behavior and importance of healthy lifestyle for health protection and health promotion in the course of their labor activity.

Research methods. The author conducted an anonymous survey of 652 employees of a tobacco processing factory. The questionnaire included 20 yes-no questions. Results were processed using «Microsoft Office Excel-2010» and «BIOSTAT» programs. Analytical and statistical methods were used to analyze the obtained data.

Results. The absolute majority of respondents (90%) agreed that lifestyle is mainly dependable upon the person themselves, while the considerable part (76.8%) out of them believed they lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, respondent’s perceptions of a healthy lifestyle appeared to be formal and didn’t correspond to the modern beliefs that unhealthy lifestyle can be a possible risk to health. Only 50% of the respondents follow or try to follow healthy nutrition principles. From 20% to 70% of all respondents have no idea about essential health indicators such as level of arterial blood pressure, blood glucose level and blood cholesterol level.

More than half of those who think they lead a healthy lifestyle consume energy drinks on a regular basis and drink several cups of coffees a day.

Lack of information about healthy lifestyle is a topical issue for many people. High motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle was registered in 61.3% of respondents; however, one third of them is not ready to break bad habits.

Conclusion. Health aspects of the production industry employees should be included in the range of the employers’strategic interest.

It is necessary to develop and implement target-oriented comprehensive prevention programs for the workforce, including measures aimed at healthy lifestyle education and development of the necessary practical skills as well as to incentivize staff to adhere to the health-saving behavior and healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle; risk factors; health-saving behavior; health of working population.



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