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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2015 (41) arrow EVOLUTION OF SYSTEM AND METHODOLOGY OF INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY RANKINGS
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Vyalkov A.I., Martynchik S.A., Glukhova E.A., Orlova N.A.
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Abstract. The paper presents evolution of the systems and methodology of international university rankings, with a focus on universities with effective management structure and international academic reputation, that are able to comply with global development trends and flexible to respond to global changes.

The paper shows that the majority of the Russian universities are characterized by low global academic reputation, weak internationalization, and inefficient management system. The document also points out that prospects for the Russian universities to enter the top 100 world rankings among the scientific and educational centers depend on the choice of the system and methodology of international rankings.

The research subject covers the international ranking system, performance indicators of universities, and scientometric indicators.

The purpose of the study was to review literature on systems’ development and modification of international university rankings methodology.

Methods included content analysis of domestic and international publications aimed at improving competitive capacity of the Russian universities. The paper demonstrates that the "5-100" project of the Ministry of Education and Science, focused on advancing five Russian universities in the first hundred of the world rankings of universities among the world's scientific and educational centers, is seen as a tool to improve competitive capacities of the leading Russian universities in the world scientific and educational sphere. It is shown that the prospects of the leading Russian universities to enter the global rankings depend on the choice of the international rankings.

The study presents barriers the Russian universities face to enter the world rankings with a breakdown on the following: academic reputation, reputation among employers, the ratio between students and teachers, cited papers per teacher, the number of foreign teachers and students, the number of publications and citations indexed in international scientometric databases. The study shows that methodology of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE WUR), which is one of the three most recognized global university rankings along with ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities) and QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) ratings, has undergone changes. The new modification of the ranking is associated with the use of bibliometric information at the Scopus platform and valuation techniques of quantitative and qualitative indicators SciVal. Transition to a more advanced technique is caused by new approaches to interdisciplinary comparison and comparison of different subjects of evaluation aimed at normalization of scientometric indicators.

Keywords. International university rankings; scientometric database; performance indicators; scientometric indicators; publication and innovation activity; scientific and pedagogical workers.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 April 2015 )
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