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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2015 (42) arrow POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF DALY TO HEALTH ASSEMESSMENT OF POPULATION IN RUSSIA
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Kobyakova O.S.1, Deyev I.A.1, Boikov V. A.1, Milkevich M.N.2, Kulikov E.S.1, Naumov A.O.2, Golubeva A.A.1, Shibalkov I.P.3
1 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
2 Bureau of Medical Statistic, Tomsk
3 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk

Contacts: Vadim A. Boykov, å-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Intensified globalization in all spheres of life and on-going integration of the Russian Federation into the global economy, as well adverse (in comparison with the developed countries) health status of the population, actualize issues related to analysis and possible application of foreign healthcare theories and methods within the context of local environment. The study relevance is also supported by the fact that the existing methods of public health evaluation (mortality, morbidity) fail adequately evaluate effectiveness of current government policy. Such evaluation requires use of indicators that fully reflect policy impact on health status of the population.

Today, DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years) is one of the most popular and frequently used in different countries methods of comprehensive health assessment, which was developed by the World Bank in cooperation with the World Health Organization.

In view of the above, the purpose of this work is to analyze possibility of using DALY to assess health status of population of the Russian Federation as well as effectiveness of care delivery management. To achieve these goals, the authors studied practices of using DALY in foreign countries in management and research.

Results and conclusions. DALY are calculated at a specific point in time and represents difference between the amount of health provided by a defined population at this point of time, and impact of all negative effects that reduce health. DALY has been widely and successfully used for objective evaluation of health systems’ performance in some foreign countries. Currently, the Russian Federation has all necessary conditions to calculate DALY for the entire country, and for each region and municipality.

Use of DALY along with demographic and economic indicators would help to set more accurate priorities for developing healthcare system at the federal and regional levels and to evaluate effectiveness of activities implemented by state authorities in health protection. Furthermore, calculation of DALY in dynamics allows to estimate population effects related to both medical technologies and exposure to economic, social, environmental, urban, and other risk factors.

Keywords: Assessment of population health; DALY; demography.



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