The Institute of Demography, "Higher School of Economics”, National Research University, Moscow
Contacts: Ilnur Aminov,
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Abstract: Research on different aspects of suicide mortality
is not possible without relevant statistics. Despite the fact that the
statistical record of suicides in our country has a long history this
topic remains highly understudied.
The purpose of this article is to analyze history and specific
characteristics of statistical record of suicides in various revisions
of the International statistical classification of diseases, injuries
and death causes as well as in pre-revolutionary and soviet times in
Analysis of publications and legal documents devoted to statistical record of suicides was used as the main research method.
Results of the study include a step-by-step description of how
suicides were included and detailed as a death cause in different
revisions of the International statistical classification of diseases,
injuries and death causes, as well as an overview and specific
characteristics of statistical record of suicides in Russia in
pre-revolutionary and Soviet times. The main conclusion of the
article is that modern researchers have access to comparable and
representative data on suicide mortality in Russia since 1956.
Scope of application. The study results can be used to
study demographic, sociological, medical or other aspects of suicide
mortality in Russia, and in mass media.
Keywords: suicide statistics in Russia;
International statistical classification of diseases and health related
problems; ICD; history of statistics
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