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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Vinayrskaya I.V., Tchernikov V.V., Terletskaya R.N., Soboleva K.A.

Contacts: Rimma Terletskaya, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Study purpose: to develop Russian version of a standardized international questionnaire HUI (Health Utilities Index) on the base of corresponding international requirements to linguistic ratification and the instrument’s validation.

Methods and data. 427 children from the first health group and 233 children from the second health group were recruited for the study. Mean age of patients was 10.8±4.6 years. Criterial validity of the HUI questionnaire was estimated by comparing patients’ replies with different health status; convergent validity – by comparing of HUI attributes with PedsQL questionnaire scales; confidence – by calculating Cronbach’s alpha and by analysis of correlations between questions of HUI classification.

Results. First and second health groups had substantial differences over every HUI questionnaire attribute (p <0.001). Average number of reduced attributes essentially differed depending upon patients’ health status: the worse health status the higher number of limited attributes is (p <0.05). The authors found valid correlations between scales evaluating similar notions in HUI and PedsQL questionnaires. Confidence evaluation of Cronbach’s alpha in systems HUI3 and HUI2 equaled 0.79 and 0.8 respectively. Valid correlations were found between questions evaluating similar attributes (vision, hearing, speech and cognitive ability). Estimation and validity and confidence conducted in children with different health status allowed to evaluate all attributes of HUI2 and HUI3systems. Results showed satisfactory psychometric properties of the new language version of the questionnaire.

Conclusions. The suggested Russian version of the HUI international questionnaire is a validated instrument for developing utility coefficients for different chronic conditions in children; creating a national catalogue of such coefficients; and conducting clinical and economic studies.

Keywords: children; life quality; HUI questionnaire; utility coefficient; clinical and economic analysis; QALY; validation.



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