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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2015 (42) arrow SOCIAL ASPECTS OF EARLY PREVENTION OF BREAST CANCER
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

V.V. Maslyakov, V.A. Levina, E.Yu. Nakaeva, N.M. Nekhotyashchaya
"REAVIZ" Saratov Medical Institute, Saratov

Contacts: Aleksandr Maslyakov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Breast cancer tops the cancer structure among females.

The purpose of the study was to analyze awareness of females about early prevention of breast cancer through a social survey.

Methods of work. To achieve this goal were surveyed 56 relatively healthy female respondents about their awareness of cancer prevention. Age of the patients ranged from 18 to 56 years, the mean age was 45 ± 3 years. A special questionnaire with 36 questions was developed. The survey was implemented in outpatient settings.

Results. The study found out that most patients do not know about breast cancer self-examination and lack skills to perform it. They also are either afraid of or do not know about such specialists as cancer specialists or breast physicians. However, the majority of respondents – 55.3% had breast-related problems. Nevertheless, the majority of respondents know about breast cancer and most of them mentioned that they got this information from mass media. 53.5% of respondents believe that public awareness can promote early detection of breast cancer. Hence, information in health care facilities about early detection of breast cancer is insufficient and needs improvement. 76.6% of respondents know who breast physician is and what diseases does this specialist manage. The majority of respondents – 68.7% have undergone a mammography screening. However, it should be noted that information support and prevention remain insufficient, as confirmed by the study results. The majority of respondents – 55.3% said that they received information about mammography screening from the media.

Keywords: breast cancer; sociological survey; public awareness.


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