Tsybulsky V.B.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow
Contacts: Vadim Tsybulsky, å-mail:
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Abstract. Purpose of the study: to identify and propose for extensive discussion some causes of deteriorated performance of the Russian healthcare system.
Data. Materials on creation and development of the state healthcare system during the Soviet period and in modern Russia.
Methods: statistical, socio-hygienic, content analysis.
Results. The author identified nine most important
causes of deterioration in the Russian healthcare: under
financing; low social status of first contact physicians; mistakes in
organization of primary healthcare delivery; problems related to
reorganization of outpatient care delivery and compulsory health
insurance; imperfect medical staff training; role of administrators in
healthcare management; problems related to provision of medicines;
private medical practice; and introduction of economic principles into
the healthcare system.
Suggestions to improve this situation are proposed for extensive discussion among the medical community.
Conclusions. The main of the seven
conclusions made by the author is as follows: currently the state system
fails to meet objectives of health protection in Russia. Urgent
measures to support primary care are required.
Keywords: system of health protection; primary medical
care; general practitioner; staff training; economics; private practice;
compulsory health insurance.
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