Nikolayuk E.A.
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Contacts: Elena Nikolayuk, e-mail:
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Abstract. Health self-assessment of the Russian population is
lower compared to self-assessments in many developed countries. Rural
dwellers tend to assess their health status worse than urban residents.
This is mainly due to low self-protective behavior, low individual
responsibility for their health that is manifested in the relevant
self-protective behavior of rural dwellers. The purpose of the work is
to find reasons for different health conditions and life expectancy
between rural dwellers and summer (urban) residents in Kostroma Region.
The analysis is based on data of the International Social Survey
Program (ISSP, 2011) and in-depth interviews collected in summer 2014 in
Ugorsky district, Kostroma region.
Statistics shows that life expectancy of rural and urban population
differs: according to the Federal State Statistics Service data for
2013, life expectancy at birth of rural males was 1.89 years lower and
for rural females – 1.57 lower compared to urban males and females
correspondingly. Among other things this gap in life expectancy is due
to different health status of rural and urban population. Qualitative
data helped to understand main reasons for different health status of
urban (summer residents) and rural dwellers in Kostroma region.
Prevalence of self-treatment, untimely application for medical
advice, unbalanced diet, smoking and alcohol abuse – all these things
combined with limited access to quality health care negatively affect
health status of rural dwellers. However, there is a tendency towards
better self-protective behavior among younger rural dwellers compare to
the older rural population.
Keywords: rural population; urban population; health; life expectancy self-protective behavior.
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