Stepanyan A.Zh.
Institute of Postgraduate Professional Training under A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow
Contacts: Alexan Stepanyan, e-mail:
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Abstract. Background. Unstable social and
political situation in some former USSR countries contributes to the
development of psycho-somatic diseases of the cardio-vascular system,
peripheral nervous system, skin, etc. in different categories of
Mass social stress disorders and other psycho-somatic diseases are
registered in cohorts residing in areas affected by military activities
placing emphasis on organization of rehabilitation of this category of
population in conditions of a therapeutic resort.
The purpose of the study was to scientifically substantiate the system of therapeutic resort rehabilitation of people exposed to extreme stress.
Results. Within the study the author developed a
logical-linguistic model of deploying self-sustaining rehabilitation
and medical services in health resort facilities. The abovementioned
model included the following components:
- organizing optional paid services during sojourn of certain groups of migrants at beaches of a tourist or resort facility;
- organizing additional transportation services as well as travelling
assistance for certain social groups of migrants and their family
members at vacation;
- organization of a system of individual visiting of entertainment events at the resort;
- organizing a system of individual advanced professional training
for migrants and their family members during their sojourn at the
Russian Black Sea health resorts;
- organizing a system of individual cosmetological and hairdressing
services for family members of financially reliable migrants;
- organizing a system of individual treatment or rehabilitation for financially reliable migrants;
- organizing individual services of hunting and fishing companies for
the abovementioned social groups of financially reliable recreants;
- organizing individual services of resident tutors for migrants’
family members including services of private tutors for under age family
Conclusions. Within the study, in 2012-2014, we
developed and introduced into practice of pilot facilities efficient
legal and social and economic technologies for managing the system of
medical and social rehabilitation activities at the Russian Black Sea
resorts for different categories of migrants exposed to extreme stress
due to consequences of social and technogenic disasters in the Russian
regions and the former USSR countries.
Keywords: migrants; adverse factors; extreme stressful conditions; therapeutic resort; health resort.
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