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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2015 (43) arrow WAYS TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF POSTGRADUATE TRAINING OF HEALTH CARE MANAGERS
Thursday, 09 July 2015

Bashmakov O.A.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

Contacts: Oleg Bashmakov, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Background. Primary specialization takes the leading role in both the general training system of health care managers as well as specialty training of doctors. Specialization plays even more important role for health care managers than other specialties since appointing a doctor to an administrative position implies authority that should not be misused. The administrator is entitled to direct activities of a group or groups of employees and, therefore, the administrator should have the relevant skills to do it.

In such context issues related to special training of health care managers are extremely relevant and serve a matter of close attention of researchers all over the world.

The purpose of the study. To determine ways of improving special training of health care administrative personnel in Public health and healthcare.

Methods. The author used content-analysis, monographic method, sociological survey. A total of 624 health care managers were surveyed including: head physicians and their deputies of medical facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region and 71 health care managers – heads of city healthcare administrations.

Results. The overwhelming majority of health care managers are heads of medical facilities. According to data as of January 1st, 2014, in Moscow and the Moscow region heads and deputies heads of medical facilities account for 92.9% of the total number of health care managers and only 7.1% represent staff of healthcare administrations.

Social profile of health care managers is as follows: they are mainly men (63.1%) aged 40-50 years (51.9%), work experience is over 20 years (59.3%), experience in managerial position (over 15 years) – 53%.

Analysis of the personal data files of 71 health care managers working as heads or deputy heads of city healthcare administrations in 2011-2014 and personal data files of 624 heads of medical facilities showed that following assignment to the managerial position 90% respondents as health care managers go through all stages in their career development starting from the position of deputy head or straight from head of a medical facility.

Conclusions. Therefore, significance of issues related to improvement of training of health care managers is based on the pressing need for improving management efficiency of the healthcare system and staff renewal as well as advisability of developing “new type” of administrators.

Keywords: health care managers; training; improvement; retraining programs, approaches.



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