Samarinà E.A.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow
Contacts: Elena A. Samarina, e-mail:
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The purpose of the study was to estimate value of setting up an
office for prenatal diagnostics for early detection of fetal congenital
defects. To accomplish this purpose the author analyzed statistical
reports of the Maternity hospital #32 (subdivision of the Women’s clinic
#7 in Moscow). Statistical analysis was based on data for 2010-2013.
Results. Analysis of data on implemented activities aimed at
prenatal diagnostics of developmental disorders showed that setting up
an office for prenatal diagnostics resulted in improved indicators of
the service, however the full potential is yet to be explored. In
quality control over training of ultrasound diagnostics specialists on prenatal screening is not specified;
there should be a district non-staff specialist to supervise performance of the office at the District level;
it is necessary to organize genetic consultations at the same place
where the office for prenatal diagnostics is based to timely decide on
further pregnancy management in case of detected defects;
organization of prenatal diagnostics in the District needs further
development on the base of experience of other regions and introduction
of new organizational forms of work.
Key words: prenatal diagnostics; prevention; congenital defects.
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