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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Avdeeva M.V.1, Vashchenkov V.V.2, Luchkevich V.S.1, Barkaeva V.A.1,2
1 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg
2 Medical Center for Information and Analysis, St. Petersburg

Contacts: Marina Avdeeva, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Background. In the context of public health reforming in Russia it is very important to implement systematic monitoring of reforms’ effectiveness.

The purpose of the study: to analyze the global and Russian experience in rating medical organizations and systematize criteria for a comprehensive quality and performance assessment of the health care system.

Methods: Content analysis, analytical, historical.

Results. Foreign countries gained more than a 50 year experience in rating medical organizations, while Russia introduced this practice in 2009 only. Modern classification of rating evaluation parameters implies use of clinical and non-clinical performance indicators, as well as subjective and objective assessment of quality and efficiency of medical care with due regard to available resources, quality of technology and performance results of health care facilities according to the classical Donabedian triad approach. The Russian rating system of medical organizations is quite compliant with the international standards, but is under formation and adaptation in line with the available opportunities.

Conclusions. The most promising direction for developing the national rating system is provision of tools for mathematical forecasting of risk, which is extremely important for making managerial decisions at the level of the entire health care system.

Scope of application. Improving public health through managing quality and efficiency of medical care.

Keywords: rating scores, monitoring of customer satisfaction, rating of medical organizations, ranking, unidimensional and multi-dimensional ratings, independent quality assessment of medical care.


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