Fattakhov T.A.
Institute of Demography, "Higher School of Economics" National Research University, Moscow
Contacts: Timur Fattakhov,
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Abstract: Any road traffic system is very complicated and can
be dangerous to health. Elements of this system include motorized
transport vehicles, roads, road users as well as physical, social and
economic environment. Countries with high automobilization have long
ceased to consider traffic accidents as a pure “chance”; furthermore,
efforts aimed at preventing and mitigating negative consequences of
traffic accidents are thoroughly designed and structured.
In 1972, William Haddon published his study with incorporated
approaches that used to be individually applied to trauma epidemiology
and transport engineering. Haddon suggested a model to analyze traffic
situations that were dangerous to health. Haddon’s approach allowed to
achieve a notable progress in understanding factors related to driver’s
behavior, vehicle characteristics and road infrastructure conditions
affecting emergence of traffic accidents and severity of consequences
for participants. Haddon’s approach turned out to be a useful analytical
instrument and became widely used in healthcare.
Background. Traffic accident rate is a challenge that
the majority of countries face. In Russia it has firmly taken a leading
position among the most important social and demographic issues.
According to the continuous data for 1956-2012 of the Federal State
Statistics Service, in Russia, traffic accidents killed 1411 thousand
people. By its traffic accident mortality rates, Russia significantly
outranks other countries. Internationally, this problem is more
considered both as crucial for protecting health and lives and important
for economics.
The study purpose is to identify most significant factors of road safety affecting rates of mortality and injury in Russia.
Methods. Using Haddon’s method the author analyzed
available information about traffic accidents, identified major problems
in road safety associated with individual behavior on the road,
environment and vehicles.
Conclusions. It is an individual that constitutes the
most significant and long-lasting factor of traffic injuries in Russia.
Their behavioral patterns and professional skills play an important role
in all three matrix phases. Many policy measures aimed at developing
road infrastructure in Russia are characterized by poor territorial
coverage. Out of all analyzed risk factors transport vehicles raise the
least concern.
Key words: Haddon matrix; traffic accidents; road safety; analysis of traffic accidents; factors of traffic accidents.
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