Bubnovskaya A.A.
"SM-Clinic", "DERAYS" Limited Liability Company, Moscow
Contacts: Angelika Bubnovskaya, e-mail: à
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Abstract. Background. Primary responsibility in
supervising proper development of girls’ reproductive system, timely
detection of disorders and provision of necessary medical care including
health education falls on the gynecological service and its out-patient
Study purpose. To evaluate medical and psychological peculiarities of gynecological care provision to adolescent girls.
Results. Adolescent girls mainly seek care at women’s
clinics in case of pregnancy or gynecological disorders. About one third
of doctors (31.8%) doesn’t know what means of contraception are
suitable for adolescent girls. Sexual education at schools begins too
late and is aimed at correcting the already developed reproductive
behavior of adolescent girls. Moreover, teachers don’t consider sexual
education as part of their scope of work.
Conclusions. Obstetric and gynecological care to
adolescent girls doesn’t consider psycho-social peculiarities of
adolescence and fails to ensure anonymity and confidentiality, pays
little attention to sexual education. Lack of comprehensive programs on
medical, social and legal assistance to the adolescent discourages
development of enabling conditions for protecting reproductive health
through correction of reproductive behavior and development of informed
perspective family planning.
Scope of application. Study results can be used in work
practice of gynecologists and pediatricians to ensure continuity of
care aimed at protecting reproductive health of the adolescent.
Keywords: adolescent girl; obstetrician-gynecologist; health; gynecological care.
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