Karton E.A.
Karton E.A.
A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, Moscow
Contacts: Elena Karton,
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Abstract. Background. Despite numerous
studies aimed at revealing intermediaries of the pathological chain of
both in-born and acquired dentofacial anomalies, and successful
conservative and surgical treatment, prevalence of dentofacial anomalies
remains high and tends to growth.
In our opinion, one of the reasons is lack of pre-clinical early
diagnostic methods and prediction of dentofacial anomalies which could
have served as the necessary condition for early preventive measures
aimed at preventing or discontinuing pathology progression.
The study purpose: to develop algorithm and methodology of early prediction of dentofacial anomalies in primary school children.
Results. In the framework of the analysis of dental
health in children with malocclusion the author conducted retrospective
analysis (269 patients) of their prenatal development using information
from antenatal and labor and delivery records. Group of 123 patients
without malocclusion served as a control group. At the same time the
author studied social hygienic, environmental, medical and biological
factors in family where children were born (both with and without
malocclusion). Based on the collected data the author developed a
prediction matrix for individual prediction of dentofacial anomalies in
primary school children.
Conclusions. Retrospective analysis of 269 children
showed that the predicted risks were confirmed in 93.6% cases. The
remaining 6.4% can be explained by additional unfavorable factors in
post-natal period such as bad habits, children’s nutrition patterns and
other medical and social factors.
Scope of application. The study results can be used by
the Moscow Maternal and Child Health Department and research institutes
to develop programs aimed at predicting dentofacial anomalies in primary
school children and further development of preventive programs for this
cohort group.
Keywords: matrix; individual prediction; dentofacial anomalies; medical and social risk factors.
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