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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Obukhova O.V.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow

Contacts: Obukhova Olga, email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract: Basic element of structural reforms in health care is the first level of care delivery, providing primary health care, including specialized primary care. Care provided on the outpatient basis is aimed at strengthening preventive activities in healthcare and provision of regular clinical examination of population, which is incorporated as one of the priority tasks of the state program of the Russian Federation "Healthcare development."

Need to intensify preventive activities is the main criterion for choosing a method of payment for medical care provided at primary level. This need explains significance of the paper presented.

The purpose of the study: To analyze capacity of the stated by the Program of state guarantees methods of payment for outpatient medical care in the context of implementing objective to intensify prevention activities.

Methods: Analysis of legal documents (both federal and regional level), establishing ways of payment for medical care provided in outpatient settings. As to research methods, the author used analytical, statistical and descriptive ones.

Results: The author studied practice of using various mechanisms of payment for medical care provided on the outpatient basis, in terms of their effect on preventive activities of a medical organization. Currently, only economic incentives can affect improve performance of health specialists. It is proved that in case of poor population coverage with preventive measures the greatest effect can be achieved by implementation of the costly payment method - per unit, per service, per completed case of treatment.

Conclusions: Payment per completed outpatient case can significantly influence success of preventive campaign if the objective is to ensure comprehensive population coverage with such activities, aggravated by insufficient funding of the healthcare system. To control costs associated with this payment method it is possible to limit amount of funding of a medical organization, calculated on the basis of per capita rate and number of the insured catchment area.

Keywords: completed case; prevention; outpatient conditions; methods of payment; obligatory health insurance


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