Ivanova L.Yu.
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Contacts: Larisa Ivanova,
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The study was supported by the Finnish Lung Health Association
(FILHA) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. It was organized by
staff of the International Organization for Migration/Russian Office
(I.E. Kazanets, B.I. Sergeev) in collaboration with the FILHA staff (T.
Vasankari, A. Nyberg, M. Vauhkonnen).
Abstract. A higher prevalence of dangerous infections
in migrants compared to the Russians substantiates the need to study
awareness of foreign workers about such diseases.
Method of a structured interview was used in our study "Migrants in
St. Petersburg: prevalence of behavioral risks related to infectious
diseases (HIV, STIs, tuberculosis), socio-economic conditions and
factors influencing uptake of medical services in the Russian health
care facilities". Interviews were conducted for 10 days at the St.
Petersburg Unified migration centre. 150 people were interviewed.
Epidemiological situation in countries of the Central Asia and Eastern
Europe has its own peculiarities. The article describes knowledge of
foreign workers from these regions about the above mentioned infectious
diseases (110 people from CIS countries in the Central Asia and 34 –
from the Eastern Europe).
Among migrants from the Central Asia, there are those who have never
heard of dangerous infectious diseases (hepatitis 46.4%, HIV – 40.4%).
In both regions the lowest awareness was reported for viral hepatitis.
Other diseases were known better, especially tuberculosis.
However, over half of the respondents from the Central Asia and 15%
from the Eastern Europe were unable to specify a medical examination for
detecting pulmonary tuberculosis, although they underwent a
photofluorography or chest x-ray within the past 2 years.
Not all respondents from both regions have comprehensive knowledge
about ways of HIV transmission and methods of HIV and STIs prevention
during sexual contact. Women from both regions are better informed about
dangerous infections. 16.7% of women from the Central Asia for the
first time ever learned about STIs in Russia, and 23.1% -about TB. About
a quarter of respondents from the Central Asia did not know about
HIV/AIDS during their first entry into the Russian Federation.
Among respondents from the Eastern Europe the share of those who has
heard about dangerous infections is higher. At the same time, sub-groups
from these two regions have small differences across certain indicators
of awareness.
It is necessary to educate both migrants from the
Central Asian countries and from the Eastern Europe about dangerous
infections. Those from the Eastern Europe are less motivated to improve
their knowledge about prevention of such diseases compared to migrants
from the Central Asia.
Keywords: foreign workers, awareness about dangerous infectious.
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