Ivanov S.V.
All-Russia Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Moscow
Contacts: Sergei Ivanov,
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Abstract. Background. Nowadays, an important problem of
social science is socialization and socio-psychological adaptation of
the elderly. Retirement and related changes in life and work is a high
point for the older age groups determining the necessity to cope with
the new life conditions.
The study purpose. To describe organization of perioperative eye care to the elderly and senile people.
Study results. Volumes and contents of major laboratory
and instrumental examinations in patients of different age were the
same. Exceptions included therapy and cardiology consultations. Both in
older and senile ages cardiology consultations before surgery covered
99.6+0.1% patients which was statistically significantly higher
(p<0.05) than in middle age patients – 82.0+2.2%. Furthermore,
frequency of perioperative somatic complications was statistically
significantly higher (p<0.05) in the elderly patients than in the
middle age patients. For example, among complications and adverse
reactions of the cardiovascular system, prevalence of hypertensive
crises was higher by 9.2%, perioperative cardiac rhythm and conduction
disturbances – by 8.2%; and perioperative myocardial ischemia – by 4.1%.
Also, problems of barrier-free environment for the elderly patients
remained unsolved.
Conclusions. Despite the existing differences in risks
of care provision and differences in initial status, ophthalmology
departments didn’t apply special geriatric approaches: for example,
cognitive functions were estimated in only 38.8% of the elderly and
senile patients; risk of falling wasn’t estimated, and intentional
registration of falling during the hospital stay wasn’t implemented.
Scope of application. The obtained results can be used
to develop training programs for doctors, nurses and medical technicians
of ophthalmology departments to increase knowledge about care
organization for the elderly.
Keywords: Ophthalmology care; older and senile age; perioperational preparation; organization of medical care; safety.
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