Muravyeva V. N., Khoreva O. O., Savchenko V. V.
Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol
Contacts: Oksana Khoreva, e-mail:
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Abstract. Background. Strategic objective of the
healthcare development at the present stage is improvement of quality of
life and health promotion among citizens of the Russian Federation,
including citizens of advanced age. However, age-related changes have a
negative impact on the elderly dental health resulting in higher demand
for geriatric dental care. Needs assessment in dental care among the
elderly is substantiated by the objective to ensure delivery of dental
care in the adequate volume and of high quality based on the development
of geriatric dental care in the Stavropol territory.
The study purpose. Needs assessment in dental care among patients of geriatric residential social service institutions in the Stavropol territory.
Methods: a total survey of 1516 patients of geriatric residential social service institutions in the Stavropol territory.
Results. According to the study results, 62.8% of patients of
geriatric residential social service institutions need dental care. The
highest need in dental care was registered in small geriatric
residential care facilities with no more than 50 residents. The main
reasons for applying for dental care include the following: mastication
problems – 19.6%, unsatisfactory condition of the mouth cavity – 16.2%,
loss of teeth – 15.7%, and discomfort with prosthetic dentures – 7.7%.
Availability of dental care to the elderly directly depends upon
location of a geriatric residential care facility. For the elderly
residing in city geriatric care facilities the main reason for not
receiving the necessary dental care is financial difficulties – 18.2%,
while for those living in rural geriatric care facilities - lack of
dental offices (24.6%).
Conclusions. The elderly in geriatric residential social
service institutions rate their dental health as poorer compared to day
care patients. Residents of geriatric social service institutions
located in rural areas have limited access to high quality and adequate
dental care.
Scope of application. The study identified major avenues of
work to improve the system of geriatric dental care delivery in
facilities of the social service system of the Stavropol territory.
Keywords. advanced age; senile age; social service institutions; geriatric dental care.
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