Alekseev M.A.
City Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Eramishantsev, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow
Contacts: Mikhail A. Alekseev, e-mail:
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Significance. Health protection has always been the
core of the state social policy. Nowadays, societal development is
characterized by a growing influence of the scientific and technical
development, including public health and health care. In this context
the role of comprehensive social and hygienic, environmental and
hygienic, sociological, clinical and statistical and medical and
demographic health studies is ever increasing.
The purpose of the study is to analyze admission rate
associated with cerabrovascular disorders in the megapolis working
population, identify peculiar features of the associated mortality and
suggest measures to decrease it.
Results. In the 2000s, the mortality structure in
Moscow was determined by diseases of the circulatory system, malignant
neoplasms, accidents, poisoning and trauma as well as diseases of the
respiratory system. Their cumulative impact added up to over 90% of all
Diseases of the circulatory system top the death structure. In the
city under study this death cause accounted for over one half of all
deaths being mainly registered in females rather than males. As to the
working population, the share of deaths from cerebrovascular disorders
is relatively high accounting for about 18%.
Analysis of deaths from cerebrovascular disorders by sex and age
showed a reliably higher share of males compared to females (Ð<0,01).
In 2014, male mortality from cerebrovascular disorders added up to
79.1% and female mortality equaled to 20.9%.
Conclusions. To improve timely delivery of care to
patients with cerebrovascular disorders it is suggested to introduce a
step-wise care delivery as follows:
Proper emergency care on the spot
Admission to a relevant facility with proper triage of patients according to the condition severity.
Appropriate care for stroke-associated conditions.
Proper nursing.
Proper level and quality of rehabilitation.
Quality and volumes of first aid significantly affect positive
outcomes of cerebrovascular disorders. In this respect, one of the major
factors is time span between the onset of the brain disorder and first
aid initiation.
Keywords: vascular disorders; megapolis; working age; morbidity; mortality.
Alekseeva G.S., Trifonova N.Yu. Mediko-sotsial'nye aspekty
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[Health and social aspects of pre-hospital treatment of patients with
ischemic stroke]. Klinicheskiy opyt dvadtsatki 2012;(4 ):24-28. (In Russian)
Alekseeva G.S. Puti sovershenstvovaniya reabilitatsionnykh meropriyatiy
sredi bol'nykh, perenesshikh insul't [Ways to improve rehabilitation
measures in patients who have suffered strokes]. Klinicheskiy opyt dvadtsatki 2013;(1):44-47. (In Russian)
Komarov Yu.M. Ekonomika kak vneshnyaya sreda zdravookhraneniya: otsenka
meditsinskogo personala [Economics as an external environment of
healthcare: assessment of medical personnel]. Ekonomika zdravookhraneniya 2003;(5):37-40. (In Russian)
Skvortsova V.I., Alekseeva G.S., Trifonova N.Yu. Analiz
mediko-organizatsionnykh meropriyatiy po profilaktike insul'tov i
reabilitatsii postinsul'tnykh sostoyaniy na sovremennom etape [Analysis
of health and organization measures for stroke prevention and
rehabilitation of post-stroke conditions at the present stage]. Sotsial'nye aspekty zdorov'ya naseleniya [serial online] 2013 [cited 2015 Apr 10]; 29(1). Available from:,ru/. (In Russian)
Skvortsova V.I., Alekseeva G.S. Mediko-organizatsionnye printsipy
razlichnykh metodov reabilitatsii bol'nykh posle insul'ta [Health and
organization principles of various rehabilitation methods for
post-stroke patients]. Moscow: ID «Sam-poligrafist»; 2013. 135 p. (In
Skvortsova V.I., Trifonova N.Yu., Alekseeva G.S. Obosnovannost'
vnedreniya innovatsiy v sovremennykh usloviyakh restrukturizatsii
gorodskoy klinicheskoy bol'nitsy [The validity of implementing
innovations in current conditions of municipal clinical hospital
restructuring]. Moscow: ID «Sam-poligrafist»»; 2013. 100 p. (In Russian)
Starodubov V.I., Shchepin O.P., Lindenbraten A.L., Galanova G.I.
Metodologicheskie osnovy i mekhanizmy obespecheniya kachestva
meditsinskoy pomoshchi [Methodical bases and mechanism for providing
quality medical care]. Moscow: Meditsina; 2001. 784p. (In Russian)
Trifonova N.Yu., Alekseeva G.S., Kasapov K.I. Povyshenie kachestva
meditsinskoy pomoshchi v ramkakh Tselevykh programm v oblasti
zdravookhraneniya [Improvement of the medical care quality within the
frames of Target programs in health care]. Klinicheskiy opyt dvadtsatki 2013;(1):44-47. (In Russian)
Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Ofitsial'nyy sayt
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2015 Apr 10]. Available from: (In Russian)
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