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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2015 (45) arrow LEGAL REGULATION OF ENTERPRISES THAT DELIVER HEALTH RESORT SERVICES
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Korolev S.V.
Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Contacts: Sergey V. Korolev, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Significance. The updated legislation of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On natural and therapeutic resources, health and therapeutic areas and health resorts," Fundamental principles of the Russian Health Legislation, etc.) provides for enabling environment to reform the system of health and resort services.

However, reforming the existing health resorts is not the goal in itself, but rather a natural link in the chain of the modern economic reforms that are currently underway in Russia.

The purpose of the work was to identify major avenues of legal regulation of health resort services.

Results. During the study, the major share (36.9%) of patients received treatment in the state (federal) unitary health resorts.

During the study period, 34.7% of patients received treatment at health resorts that are Closed Joint Stock Companies, basically former trade-union health resorts.

Only 9.3% of patients received treatment at health resorts that are Open Joint Stock Companies. Such gap in indicators between two types of health resorts is due to the fact that securities market (that is the major economic leverage of the Open Joint Stock Company activities) is not fast developing under the modern reforms in Russia. It means that both Russian and international investors are reluctant to invest in securities of many Open Joint Stock Companies including health resorts of this legal status.

Conclusion. The analysis showed that contents of the relevant articles and paragraphs of the Part 1 of the Section 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation afford grounds to health resorts for selecting legal status and extent of social protection of their staff.

Scope of application. The received data can be considered by the Department of health care organization and health resort services of the Ministry of Health for developing normative legal documents.

Keywords: legal aspects; health resort enterprises; management; analysis.


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