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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Vyalkov A.I.1, Zatsman G.I.2. Martynchik S.A. 1, Glukhova E.A.1
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU.

Contacts: Svetlana A. Martynchik, e-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. This work substantiates the strategy to design a development program of a medical University, targeted at increasing competitive advantages and entering the global rankings. Strategic goals and targets aimed at strengthening leadership and enhancing medical science to the leading position in the world have been identified. Tools and criteria to achieve the stated objective to improve international competitive advantages and enter the global top 100 university ranking have been substantiated. The authors also identified main directions of development and characteristics of the promising university target model aimed at improving quality of education, qualitatively high level of publication activity, qualitative changes in managing human resources of the university, projected changes in the financial structure of the university, evaluation of the achievement gaps between the current and planned activities of the university and list of measures to bridge them. The paper shows that the university development targets are designed with due regard to the international rankings: QS World University Rankings (WUR); subject rankings - QS Medicine (QS Med) and Times Higher Education (THE Cl / PreCl Res.). The authors demonstrate that development targets under the Program of goal-setting were elaborated with due regard to the model of the selected reference leading foreign universities of a clear medical specialty and comparative scale.

The study shows that workforce and its development are viewed as one of the resources for the Program implementation: quality improvement of scientific and educational staff performance and optimization of personnel structure. The paper demonstrates that the updated University performance model will help to earn from the budgetary allocations and receive additional revenues from non-budgetary sources, complying with practices of the university reference groups. Analysis of major gaps between the current and target activities of the University caused by the generally high level of isolation of the Russian health care system from the international scientific and academic community has been undertaken. The authors present causes of gaps related to international cooperation and promotion of the University in the global markets of research and educational services as well and substantiate tools to bridge those gaps.

This paper also reads that Program implementation at the University is planned to be managed through introduction of the project management system to support planning, processes and procedures, personnel and information technology.

Keywords. Target model of the university; program implementation; international rankings; reference groups; targets; methods of performance evaluation; strategic development initiatives.


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