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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2015 (46) arrow ATTITUDE OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL TOWARDS RESULTS OF THEIR WORK
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Artamonova G.V., Danilchenko Ya.V., Kryuchkov D.V., Kostomarova T.S., Shapovalov D.G., Makarov S.A.
Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo

Contacts: Yana V. Danilchenko, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Personnel’s attitude towards performance is the main factor for efficient production process. Employee’s attitude to their work is determined by both, objective and subjective factors. An organization can not influence the majority of those factors; however, such factors should be taken into account while developing a quality policy.

The purpose of the study was to assess medical personnel attitude towards their work in the department of cardiac surgery.

Methods and materials. Questionnaire survey of employees was conducted in the clinic of the Research Institute in 2012. The object of the study - medical personnel involved in cardiac care delivery. The scope of the study - 168 specialists, representing 76% of the core staff.

Results. 91% of physicians, 89% of nurses and 75% of paramedicals were fully satisfied with results of their work. 88% of physicians, 95% of nurses and 81% of paramedicals evaluated staff performance of their unit as high, whereas 8%, 1% and 6% respectively, were undecided. 81% of physicians, 84% of nurses and 67% of paramedicals were able to evaluate performance of the entire organization, mainly considering it high (68%, 79% and 57% respectively). Over 90% of physicians and nurses, and 80% of paramedicals considered professional skills of their unit colleagues high. A total of 86% of physicians (including 73% of those who evaluated professional skills high), 80% of nurses and 71% of paramedicals (79% and 61%, respectively) evaluated staff qualification in the entire organization.

Conclusion. A medical staff member with a high performance self-evaluation and a high opinion of the entire employer organization strives to improve capacity and professional skills, including professional self-management. Higher performance evaluation versus the entire organization can suggest a certain partial involvement of medical personnel into activities of the entire organization and insufficient awareness of performance results of other departments and lack of interdepartmental cooperation.

Keywords: performance evaluation; questionnaire survey of medical personnel; management technologies, quality management system.


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