Solovyov V.V.
Spasokukotsky City Clinical Hospital, Moscow
Contacts: Vitaliy Solovyov,
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Abstract. Significance. One of the relevant
research objectives of preventive medicine is a comprehensive evaluation
of medical support of specialists of helping professions (like
anesthesiologists-resuscitators) in order to individualize their medical
and psychological follow-up and maintain professional health and
The study purpose: to develop organizational algorithm
on improving work activity of anesthesiologists-resuscitators and
preventing health problems.
Results. Modern computer techniques allow to organize
social and hygienic monitoring to collect, store and analyze information
about professional risk factors and lifestyle, to determine
informational value of risk factors of pathologies and diseases, to
provide individual recommendations on comprehensive health improvement,
to allocate risk groups (by sex, age, employment, health status etc.),
and to predict chances of onset of diseases according to combinations of
influencing risk factors.
Medical and sociological analysis showed that the majority of
anesthesiologists-resuscitators occasionally implement preventive
measures to improve their health. However, the share of such physically
active anesthesiologists-resuscitators doesn’t exceed 29.0-30.0% of
their total number.
Conclusions. The study suggests that it is necessary to
assign anesthesiologists-resuscitators to one of municipal health care
facilities with modern clinical and diagnostic equipment, treatment and
rehabilitation infrastructure to ensure regular examinations, treatment
and comprehensive rehabilitation. Taking into account the identified
professional risk factors the rehabilitation process should envisage and
use both methods of physical and work rehabilitation and social
rehabilitation which is especially important in delivery of social
services to risk groups.
Keywords. Anesthesiologists-resuscitators; medical care; working conditions; comprehensive rehabilitation, staff.
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