S.A. Bogachevskaia1, A.N.Bogachevsky1, V.Y. Bondar1,2
1Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Khabarovsk
2Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Svetlana A. Bogachevskaia, e-mail:
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Abstract. The study evaluates performance of the seven Federal Centers for Cardiovascular Surgery in 2011-2013 with the purpose of determining potential of the service development in the regions of the Russian Federation.
Methods. The measures are calculated per 100 thousand
population of the corresponding age, involvement of the regions in the
surgical activity and country as a whole was determined as share (%) for
the same period of time.
Results. Establishment of those centers primarily
stimulated increase in coronary heart disease surgery; its combined
contribution to the total volume of surgical interventions in the
country over the last three years added up to 13.74%. The share of heart
valve reconstruction, combined operations with simultaneous myocardial
revascularization and on two or more valves has increased. Cumulative
contribution of the federal centers over the last three years equaled to
19.10% of all surgeries in Russia. Active performance of the centers
resulted in the increased number of pacemaker implantations in Russia by
2.5 times and cardiac conduction system surgery - by 5.0 times for the
last decade. The number of children from birth to 3 years operated in
the centers accounted for more than a half of all cases of surgical
treatment (58.9%) and more than a third of all endovascular
interventions (35.1%) with congenital heart disease, corresponding to
the modern patient management techniques practiced by the advanced
health care systems. Interventions on precerebral arteries in the
federal centers accounted for the smallest share among all types of
cardiovascular surgery in Russia.
Discussion. Therefore, besides intensified surgical
activities, the federal centers for cardiovascular surgery increased the
level and quality of surgical treatment of patients with cardiovascular
diseases in Russia (in 2011-2013, the centers performed one fifth of
all cardiac surgery and more than one sixth including vascular surgery
in the country).
Keywords: Federal Centers for Cardiovascular Surgery; high-tech medical care; cardiovascular surgery; endovascular intervention.
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