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Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Maksimov S.A., Indukaeva E.V., Mulerova T.A., Danilchenko Ya.V., Tabakaev M.V., Artamonova G.V.
Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo

Contacts: Sergey Maksimov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


To a certain degree health status of a person determines the level of their working capacity, working ability and, eventually, employment. At advanced age that is characterized by natural decrease in functionality and development of age-dependent pathology, relationship between employment and health status is most clearly manifested. The purpose of the study was to analyze prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and major factors of cardiovascular risk at the moment of achieving the retirement age and changes in employment status.

The research object was random sample of people of pre-retirement (55-59 years for men and 50-54 years for women) and retirement age (60-64 years for men and 55-59 years for women) in the Kemerovo region, 534 people in total. Presence of certain cardiovascular diseases and factors of cardiovascular risk in respondents was estimated.

Pearson's Chi-square and Mann-Whitney's criterions were used for statistical analysis. To eliminate influence of modifying factors logistic regression was used. Critical level of the statistical significance was considered 0.05; at 0.05>ð>0.05 the tendency towards statistical significance was noted.

In both men and women at pre-retirement age any distinctions in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and factors of cardiovascular risk depending on employment were not observed (except for increased body weight). Working men at retirement age compared to the unemployed are characterized by smaller prevalence of ishaemic heart disease (10.3% and 39.3%, r=0.0018), diabetes (2.6% and 17.9%, r=0.024), hypertriglyceridemia (10.3% and 32.1%, r=0.013), and smoking (23.1% and 42.1%, r=0.054). After adjusting influence of age and education level, the relationship didn't change, except for smoking. Distinctions in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and factors of cardiovascular risk depending on employment in women of retirement age only near statistically significant values.

The results demonstrate that upon reaching retirement age deterioration of health forces a person to quit work. It is manifested by the maximum distinctions in prevalence of certain cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors at retirement age, while such distinctions at pre-retirement age are not present. It is most characteristic for men; in women of retirement age only a tendency towards relationship between cardiovascular health and employment is noted, which seems to be due to gender differences in social roles in the society.

Keywords. Cardiovascular diseases; factors of cardiovascular risk; employment; retirement age.


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