Ekkert N.V., Allamyarova N.V., Garaeva A.S.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Contacts: Natalia V. Allamyarova, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance. The widespread
development of information technologies has contributed to the dynamic
growth of such form of higher education as distance learning in our
country. Currently, practically all Russian and foreign higher education
institutions are involved in this process, that is based on indirect
contact between teachers and students. Active implementation of distance
learning technologies in the educational process is an integral part of
modern education. The article analyzes a twenty-year experience in
developing distance learning technologies in Russia against the
background of gradual elaboration of the normative and legal regulation
proceeding from the development goals and objectives of the first
Conceptual Framework for a unified system of distance learning (1995).
The paper also considers issues related to the development of
theoretical basis and organizational and practical fundamentals for
introducing distance learning on the basis of information technologies
against the background of gradual adaptation of regulatory acts by the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The article
also formulates modern objectives of introducing electronic learning
technologies into the system of higher medical education.
The purpose of the work was to analyze development of the
Russian legislative framework, regulatory and organizational measures
aimed at improving quality of distance learning in higher medical
the existing normative and legal regulation in Russia outlines only
basic provisions on using distance learning to train medical specialists
within both higher professional and continuing professional education;
slow improvement of normative acts doesn't allow to completely realize
potential of electronic learning in medical education in particular; and
the accreditation system of electronic resources is hardly existent and is presented at a single level.
Keywords: distance learning technologies, e-learning,
normative and legal regulation, quality standardization system of
electronic resources.
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