DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-48-2-1
Mikhaylova Yu.V.1, Siburina T.A.1 Miroshnikiva Yu.V.2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Institution of Advanced Training under the Federal Biomedical Agency, Moscow
Contacts: Yulia Mikhaylova,
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Abstract. Development of the concept of job position of
a health care facility head is the basis for defining professional
standard of advanced training of head physicians within the framework of
customized approach and modular learning system. Such system ensures
development of the required or missing skills.
Application of the functional and skill building approach helps to
define major activities that a facility manager routinely realizes , to
specify characteristics of managerial decisions, to identify most
problematic activities, long-term demand for knowledge and skills as
well as to determine personal characteristics that are necessary for
effective management within the modern framework.
The article presents a wide range of approaches to define managerial
skills that are substantiated by such objective reasons as development
of market relations, social attitude towards manager’s role, and state
of management within this economic branch. Such reasons condition
certain requirements for the position holder.
Excessive focus on psychological approach that is so typical of the
American model is also widely practiced in Russia to develop and train
managers. However, it is not always rational because such model was
initially developed for different environment of the managed subjects.
The study showed that work of head physicians of state-funded health
care facilities is based on performing mainly operational administrative
activities in the context of insufficient utilization of modern
management concepts. While priority is given to staff management, such
ordinary activities as personnel training during rounds, staff
performance management, staff incentives and remuneration still prevail.
Routine work of the majority of managers implies cooperation with
regulatory bodies and authorities. Managers are preoccupied with
organization of procurements, maintenance and construction. Issues of
strategic development of the facility and implementation of innovations
are hardly addressed (the priority is given to studying best practices).
Skills in financial and economic management also remain insufficient.
There is an actual demand for improving routine management methods
related to all types of activity.
Keywords: concept of a job position; job
responsibilities; managerial skills; activity priorities; problematic
issues related to health care facility management; structure of
managerial decisions.
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