DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-48-2-2
Sabgayda T.P.1, Modestov A.A.2.
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Territorial Cancer Dispensary, Krasnoyarsk; Chair of Clinical Oncology, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
Contacts: Tamara Sabgayda,
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Abstract. Heavy economic loss due to wide prevalence of cancer
and increased morbidity all over the world substantiate the need to
study peculiar characteristics of cancer morbidity and mortality in
certain regions.
The study purpose was to evaluate cancer-related
situation in Krasnoyarsk territory based on morbidity and mortality
statistics to test the hypothesis about effectiveness of measures aimed
at improving cancer-related situation in the territory.
Methods and data. Authors compared levels of morbidity
and mortality from malignant neoplasm in the Krasnoyarsk territory,
Siberian federal district and Russian Federation. Data included forms of
the State statistical observation #7, information on cancer deaths by
age and sex (form #C51) and the average annual population size.
Morbidity and mortality were calculated individually for men and women
of all age groups (standardized rates) and by 5-year age intervals.
Conclusions. In the Krasnoyarsk territory mortality
from cancer of almost all sites is higher compared to the Federal
district and Russia as a whole. The Krasnoyarsk territory occupies a
mid-level position between the district and Russia’s indicators in terms
of morbidity of caner of almost all sites. .
Trends in the mortality from cancer of gynaecological organs and
breast as well as skin cancer and cancer of male genital organs suggests
effectiveness of measures aimed at improving cancer-related situation
in the territory. These types of cancer serve as markers of effective
early diagnostics and quality treatment.
At the same time, dynamics of morbidity and mortality from
pathologies serving as markers of unhealthy behavior (respiratory and
digestive cancers, etc.) points out a lack of positive developments and
possible negative trends in the territory unlike the existing trends in
the Siberian federal district and Russia as a whole.
Evaluation of measures effectiveness aimed at improving
cancer-related situation in the Krasnoyarsk territory faces
unexplainable discrepancies in morbidity and mortality proportions,
their age profiles in comparison with the district and Russia’s data
which makes it possible to suspect distortion of statistics, mainly
mortality from malignant neoplasm.
Keywords: cancer morbidity; cancer mortality;
cancer-related situation in the Krasnoyarsk territory; reliability of
mortality statistics.
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