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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2016 (48) arrow POTENTIAL BIRTH LOSS DUE TO HEALTH-RELATED PROBLEMS IN RUSSIA
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

E.V. Zemlyanova
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Elena Zemlyanova, zemlianova@ mednet.ru

Abstract. The study purpose was to estimate potential birth loss due to health-related problems with due regards to trends and regional peculiarities of such loss structure in Russia.

To estimate the loss we used the improved author’s method which was initially applied in 2003. This method-2003 included loss due to spontaneous abortion before 22 weeks of gestation, loss due to late abortions at 22-27 weeks of gestation, stillbirths as a component of perinatal mortality and prevalence of female infertility. The principal novelty of the improved approach is analysis of loss due to premature mortality of women in reproductive age as well as loss due to male infertility.

Estimation of loss is based on data of the Federal State Statistics Service and official medical statistics for 2001-2014.

All the abovementioned components considered as potential birth loss totaled to 618.6 thousand of unborn children or one third (32.3%) of the total number of births registered in 2014. The leading cause of loss was infertility.

The loss scale (as %/number of births ratio) varies almost 5-fold across the country regions. The differences are determined by development of reproductive health services, completeness of registration (infertility registration mainly), and fertility levels.

The study results can be used to identify priorities of reproductive health services at the federal and regional levels.

Keywords: potential birth loss; infertility; spontaneous abortions; stillbirths; mortality of women in reproductive age.


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