DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-48-2-5
Kapitonov V.F., Shurova O.A., Galaktionova M.Yu., Pavlov A.V.
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V.F.
Vojno-Yasenetsky, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Contacts: Vladimir F. Kapitonov, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance. The increasing
number of sick babies at birth necessitates assessment and planning of
health building from earliest stages of medical follow-up, one of which
is a pediatric catchment area of children’s polyclinic.
Purpose. Assessment of newborn health status taken under follow-up by a district pediatrician.
Materials and methods. According to the study
purpose the authors assessed health status of 316 newborns taken for
follow-up in 2012-2015. Primary data were collected through analysis of
maternity home summaries (summary of the form ¹097/y); prenatal records -
form ¹113/y (information about a newborn provided by the maternity
home); discharge summaries from form 027/y (hospital discharge summary),
and direct baby examination during the first neonatal check-up. The
obtained information was analyzed through absolute and relative
indicators, assessment of significance of differences - through the χ2 criterion
Results. The study shows that on average for the
study period, out of all newborns registered for follow-up by a
district pediatrician 7.0% were attributed to the first health group,
67.8% - to the second health group, 10.4% - to the third health group,
8.9% - to the fourth health group and 5.9% to the fifth health group.
The rank structure of certain diseases and conditions of the perinatal
period, that the newborns had over the period under study, has undergone
the following changes. Not elsewhere specified diseases and individual
conditions constantly head the list. Growth retardation and dietary
deficiency fall to the third place from the second. Their share in the
general structure increased by 1.7 times. Other cerebral disorders fall
from the second place to the third-fourth with their share decreasing by
1.8 times. The share of fetal hypoxia, asphyxia at birth increased by
1.3 times, sharing the third-fourth place with other neonatal cerebral
Conclusions. The study findings can serve as an
objective indicator for pediatricians and specialty doctors to identify
areas for improvement of children’s health building.
Keywords: newborns; health assessment; Pediatric catchment area; structure of morbidity; health groups.
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