DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-48-2-6
Amlayev K.R., Shikina I.B., Zafirova V.B., Baronova O.D., Vechorko V.I.
1 Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol
2 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3 Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary, Stavropol
Contacts: Irina B. Shikina, e-mail:
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Significance. Determining level and quality of
knowledge about TB both among tuberculosis patients as well as people at
large, is an important scientific and practical issue. Facts proving
impact of TB knowledge upon TB prevalence, morbidity, early detection of
clinical and radiological forms, and effectiveness of TB therapy are
yet to be fully explored.
Purpose. To assess knowledge about TB among Stavropol primary care physicians.
Methods of work. Analytical, sociological, mathematical statistics.
Results of work. 456 physicians of health care
facilities in Stavropol were surveyed with the original questionnaire,
including: pediatricians - 29.2%; general practitioners (therapeutists) -
34.9%; other specialty physicians - 35.8%.
Analysis of the obtained data shows that performance quality of
primary care physicians related to TB prevention and detection needs to
be improved. Low level of TB knowledge among physicians (based on
responses to the test questions) correlates with informing patients
about treatment of somatic diseases, risk factors, and need to lead a
healthy lifestyle.
Conclusion. The study identified a low level of
competence among physicians, which affects quality of informing patients
about TB treatment and disease prevention.
Scope of application. The identified gaps in competence
in TB prevention and detection among primary care physicians should be
considered in training programs for specialists.
Keywords: tuberculosis; medical prevention; health literacy; treatment of tuberculosis.
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