Skornyakov S.N., Lugovkina T.K., Egorov E.A., Golubeva L.A., Sharapova M.V.
Ural Research Institute for Phthisiopulmonology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Contacts: Tatyana Lugovkina, E-mail:
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Abstract. Significance of this study is based on the need to
minimize risks of drug interaction during TB surgical interventions
especially in multimorbid patients that require continuous medication.
One way to reduce risks of drug interaction is controlled medication
load, i.e. medication management.
The purpose of the study was to design a model for quality medication management of TB surgical patients at the perioperative period.
Material and methods. Clinical and pharmacological
audit of medication prescriptions for TB surgical patients in pulmonary
surgery and bones and joints TB departments was carried out. Clinical
pharmacologist analyzed charts of 72 patients. The subjects for analysis
were prescriptions to TB surgical patients during the perioperative
period, including: premedication, peri-surgical antibiotic and
thromboembolia prophylaxis, post-surgery analgesia, additional
medication management of multimorbid patients.
Results. The study shows that 83% of patients at the TB
surgical department had multimorbid clinical status and needed
additional pharmacotherapy. Polypharmacotherapy was registered in 100%
of cases. The share of polypragmasy (administration of medications that
do not interact excluding drugs for basic TB modes) in such patients equaled
to 70%.
Compliance with clinical guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis added
up to 48%. Compliance with post-surgery analgesia guidelines equaled to
60%. There were no standard guidelines for perioperative medication
management in multimorbid TB surgical patients.
Conclusion. Quality of TB perioperative medication
needs improvement through introducing rules of medication management and
monitoring over compliance with antibiotic prophylaxis and post-surgery
analgesia guidelines.
Key words: quality; medication management; perioperative period; phthisiology.
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